Kate Middleton under fire for creating an advertisement in her cancer video

Sep 12, 2024 - 10:53
Kate Middleton’s video about being cancer-free has just been reduced to being nothing more than an advertisement
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1. Kate Middleton’s video about being cancer-free has just been reduced to being nothing more than an advertisement

Kate Middleton’s recent video on cancer, focusing on the trauma and resilience it entails, has been criticized by Tim Teeman, senior editor and writer at The Daily Beast, who argues it has been reduced to mere advertisement.

In his article, Teeman compares Kate’s video to Prince Harry’s Netflix Polo series, questioning whether Kate’s open discussion of her feelings, set against idyllic imagery, would have occurred without the trailblazing efforts of Harry and Meghan. He suggests that without the Sussexes' emotional openness and their high-profile Oprah interview, Kate might not have shared her thoughts so candidly.

Teeman also points out the irony of the media’s reaction. Despite the ongoing tensions between William and Harry, the media quickly condemned the Sussexes for promoting their latest Netflix project, which was released shortly after Kate and William’s video. According to Teeman, Harry and Meghan are transparent about their commercial intentions: they want viewers to engage with their content and products, and they accept whatever response they get.

He concludes that, while Kate’s video is framed within the context of trauma recovery, it ultimately serves as a promotional tool. Despite its noble presentation, Teeman maintains it functions similarly to an advertisement.

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