Pakistan's first Human Milk Bank initiative suspended after new fatwa

Jun 22, 2024 - 13:54
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The suspension of Pakistan's first Human Milk Bank project at the Sindh Institute of Child Health & Neonatology (SICHN) has sparked significant discussions, particularly due to the issuance of a new fatwa (religious edict). The project, inaugurated with the intention of providing critical nutrition to premature babies, has been paused pending further religious and ethical consultations.

### Key Points of the Situation:

1. **Project Inception:**
   - The Human Milk Bank at SICHN was inaugurated by Sindh Health Minister Dr. Azra Pechuho with the support of UNICEF and the Pakistan Pediatric Association (PPA).
   - The bank aimed to provide breast milk to premature infants, particularly those with a gestation period of 34 weeks or less and weighing under 2kg, whose mothers could not produce sufficient milk.

2. **Purpose and Benefits:**
   - The project was designed to address the nutritional needs of premature babies, who are at high risk of complications, infections, and early death if they do not receive breast milk.
   - Providing human breast milk is crucial for their development and survival, as alternatives could increase the risk of health issues.

3. **Religious Compliance:**
   - The initiative included a provision that Muslim children would only receive milk from Muslim women, and the service was offered free of charge to avoid any perception of commercial exchange.
   - Initially, a fatwa from Darul Uloom Karachi in December 2023 had provided the necessary religious endorsement for the project to proceed under certain conditions.

4. **New Fatwa and Suspension:**
   - A revised fatwa issued on June 16, 2024, led to the immediate suspension of the Human Milk Bank project.
   - The SICHN has stated that they will consult with Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi and the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) to seek further guidance on the matter.
   - The decision to pause the project is in compliance with the updated religious guidance.

### Implications and Future Steps:

- **Religious and Ethical Considerations:**
  - The project’s suspension underscores the importance of aligning medical initiatives with religious and ethical guidelines in Pakistan.
  - Consulting religious authorities such as Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi and the CII will be crucial for determining the future course of the Human Milk Bank.

- **Healthcare Impact:**
  - The suspension of the milk bank poses a challenge for the healthcare of premature infants who relied on this service for vital nutrition.
  - Alternative strategies may need to be developed to ensure that these infants receive the necessary care while the religious and ethical issues are resolved.

- **Community Response and Dialogue:**
  - The decision may prompt further discussions within the community and among healthcare professionals about the intersection of religious beliefs and medical practices.
  - Engaging with religious scholars, healthcare providers, and the public can foster a comprehensive understanding and potentially pave the way for a solution that balances both religious guidelines and medical needs.

The suspension of the Human Milk Bank project highlights the delicate balance required between modern healthcare initiatives and adherence to religious and cultural norms. Moving forward, it will be essential to find a pathway that respects religious beliefs while ensuring the health and survival of vulnerable infants.