Here’s how parents can link their YouTube accounts with their Kids

Sep 11, 2024 - 21:59
Sep 11, 2024 - 22:05
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YouTube is introducing a new global supervision feature this week, enabling parents and guardians to link their accounts with their teenage children’s accounts. 

This new tool, part of YouTube’s Family Center, aims to foster safer content creation and enhance parental oversight of their teen’s activities on the platform. Parents will be able to access insights such as subscriptions, comments, and upload history. 

The feature also includes email notifications to both linked accounts, alerting them to notable activities such as new video uploads or livestreams.

Described as the “first iteration” of this feature, it builds on existing supervision tools for younger users. YouTube has hinted at adding more features in the future to provide deeper insights into teenagers' activities.

The feature includes a “mutual control” option, allowing both parents and teens to deactivate supervision whenever they choose.