Christian Bale's co stars make shocking confession about 'American Psycho'

Jun 12, 2024 - 10:56
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Christian Bale’s co-stars were initially not a fan of his memorable role in American Psycho.

Josh Lucas and Chloe Sevigny, who played Craig McDermott and Jean in the 2000 movie, respectively, recently sat down with Vanity Fair for a chat.

“I don’t know if you felt this way, but I actually truly remember thinking that Christian Bale was terrible,” Josh told Chloe in their joint interview held 25 years after the movie’s release.

Moreover, they also called Christian’s acting choices “terrible” in the early stages of filming.

Josh, who played a rival colleague of Christian’s investment banker character Patrick Bateman, also recalled the first ever scene he did with him.

“I remember the first scene I did with him, I watched him and he seemed so false. I now realize that it was this just f---ing brilliant choice that he was making... I didn’t realize what a subversive comedy it was. I didn’t realize the way that Mary was going to turn it on its head,” he said.

On the other hand, Chloe didn’t think Christian’s acting was bad, however, she added, “I don’t think that I thought he was bad. I was just kind of confused, like, Why aren’t you being social? I wanted a little more generosity to make myself feel more at ease, which is my own ego.”