ANP offers condolence over sad demise of Iranian President

May 25, 2024 - 08:59
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A delegation of Awami National Party (ANP), led by the provincial president, Mian Iftikhar Hussain on Friday visited the Iranian Consulate here to condole over the tragic death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raise in a helicopter crash last Sunday. The delegation comprising of ANP provincial vice general secretary, Sayyed Aqil Shah, general secretary, Hussain Shah Khan, provincial vice president, Shahi Khan Shirani and spokesman Arsalan Khan met with Deputy Consul General, Hussain Maliki and offered heartfelt condolences over the demise of the Iranian President and other government officials.

Talking on the occasion, Mian Iftikhar Husain said the death of the Iranian President, Foreign Minister Dr Hussain Ameer Abdul Hayan and other government high-ups was a great tragedy. He said the services of late president Raise were evident to all and his death created a vacuum that would take a long time to fill.

The Iranian Deputy Consul General thanked the ANP delegation for their supportive gesture and solidarity and said relations between the two brotherly countries will further strengthen in future.