Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin departs after concluding 3-week Pakistan visit

Jul 27, 2024 - 14:41
Saifuddin expresses his gratitude to Sindh governor, chief minister for their love and sincerity
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1. Saifuddin expresses his gratitude to Sindh governor, chief minister for their love and sincerity

**KARACHI:** After a visit of about three weeks, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, the head of the Dawoodi Bohra community, departed from Pakistan on Saturday.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah and Governor Kamran Khan Tessori were present at the Karachi airport to see him off. On this occasion, Saifuddin expressed his gratitude to the province's leaders for their warmth and sincerity.

“I will always remember the ardent love you showed me during my arrival in Pakistan and my departure,” he said, adding that he was leaving Pakistan with their love and sincerity.

During his stay in Karachi, the spiritual leader met several dignitaries, including the president.