Prince Harry ‘cutting everyone dead' since major change

Oct 15, 2024 - 14:31
Prince Harry’s major life change and newfound ability to cut people dead has just been brought to light
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1. Prince Harry’s major life change and newfound ability to cut people dead has just been brought to light

**Experts Question Prince Harry’s Personality Shift Amid Claims of Isolation**  

Prince Harry's dramatic personality shift has raised significant concerns among experts, who have accused him of “cutting everyone off.”  

Royal photographer Arthur Edwards from *The Sun* commented on the Duke of Sussex’s transformation, expressing his shock at the change.  

During a live segment, he shared, “He used to say, ‘I’ll do everything I can to make it good for you.’ That’s what shocked me when he completely cut us off that one time in Manchester.”  

Edwards recalled a pivotal moment, stating, “I’ll never forget the day he met Meghan or the day he fell in love with her; everything changed since then.”  

He expressed sadness over this shift in Harry’s demeanor, saying, “I feel sad about that because he was a fantastic person to work with.”  

The expert reminisced about how much fun Harry used to be, recalling an encounter with the Jamaican Prime Minister. “Instead of saying ‘hello ma’am’ or ‘pleased to meet you,’ he just hugged her.” When asked why he did that, Harry explained, “Because my father said she likes a hug, so I thought I’d get in first.”  

Edwards further illustrated Harry's spirited nature with a memory from a trip to Brazil, where he played football with kids on the beach and ran a road race, finishing with a picture of Prince William on his face. “He was fun and surprising,” Edwards reflected.

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