"Harris Uses 'Joy' as a Strategy to Counter Trump"

Sep 7, 2024 - 22:49
VP takes notes from rival during election campaign, focuses on evoking emotion rather than explaining policies
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1. VP takes notes from rival during election campaign, focuses on evoking emotion rather than explaining policies

**WASHINGTON**: Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential contender, seems to be adopting a strategy similar to that of her rival Donald Trump by focusing on emotional appeal rather than detailed policy discussions. Her campaign is centered around a theme of "joy," aiming to leverage emotional resonance to outmaneuver Trump.

Since assuming the Democratic Party’s top spot from President Joe Biden in July, Harris has accelerated her campaign with the election just months away. She has largely avoided press conferences, interviews, and in-depth policy debates. Instead, her campaign kickoff at the Democratic National Convention emphasized the theme of "joy."

This emotional approach appears to be making a difference. While Biden struggled against Trump, Harris has managed to close the gap, with polls showing a tight race in six key battleground states.

Experts suggest that focusing on emotional appeals can be an effective political strategy. Jennifer Mercieca, a communications professor at Texas A&M University, notes that people often make decisions based on emotional truths rather than objective facts. "When speakers appeal to feelings, it's challenging to counteract those emotions because it's hard to argue against a feeling," she explains.

Harris’s shift from Biden’s campaign—which largely focused on Trump as a threat to democracy—reflects a move away from negativity. A recent New York Times/Siena poll revealed that while anger and resignation among voters had decreased, joy had increased.

Mashail Malik, an assistant professor of government at Harvard University, attributes this shift to the exhaustion caused by constant negativity. "The messaging about joy seems designed to alleviate some of this exhaustion and offer an alternative to fear," Malik says. This approach also helps Harris distinguish herself from Biden.

However, addressing specific issues like U.S. support for Israel’s war in Gaza proves more challenging. Harris has attempted to address Democratic critics through changes in tone regarding Palestinian civilian casualties, but this approach may not fully resolve internal party disagreements.